Hey Guys!
The past month or so has been tough. My family has been going through a tough time, and my boyfriend has been working 2 jobs, which means he is home less. Often times when he is home, he is sleeping (which I don't blame him for). I remember back to when we learned he was going to work nights, I knew it was going to be a challenge, but I was hopeful of our new beginning. Then I learned he would be working days as well, and that worried me a bit. It would be less time with the family, he would be stressed, overworked and tired. I wondered as well, would I be able to handle this? Kayden is about to reach two, and we just hit a sleep regression, he is in his terrible two's stage, and well potty training and transitioning him to a toddler bed is next on the list. Phew, I am exhausted just thinking of all of this. I took a step back and tried to look at this from an outside perspective.That is the moment everything hanged for me, I started thinking of all the things that could go right.Our lifestyle would be more comfortable, we would be able to celebrate holidays and milestones, and finally redecorate the house. I knew it would be tough for me to handle Kayden by myself everyday without help, but I knew this was just another 'mom challenge' I had to face. I knew this was a new beginning for all of us. It is so easy to get sidetracked by all the what if's in life. I even thought about working from home, to try and bring some extra cash in the house, and it would be something I would do for myself as well. But I got worried that it would take away from the little time I would get with Curtis. With every negative thought you have, there is always two positive thoughts that should come with it. I use to be so scared to talk to people, or put myself out there,because I was so concerned about being judged or if people would like me, and I will admit I am still not carefree about it, but I have gotten a lot better. whats the worst that could happen? So what if I don't click with them, on the flip side I could make a great friend and expand my circle. Life is so unpredictable, we should take these leaps, and opportunities instead of pondering on the negative.
The past month or so has been tough. My family has been going through a tough time, and my boyfriend has been working 2 jobs, which means he is home less. Often times when he is home, he is sleeping (which I don't blame him for). I remember back to when we learned he was going to work nights, I knew it was going to be a challenge, but I was hopeful of our new beginning. Then I learned he would be working days as well, and that worried me a bit. It would be less time with the family, he would be stressed, overworked and tired. I wondered as well, would I be able to handle this? Kayden is about to reach two, and we just hit a sleep regression, he is in his terrible two's stage, and well potty training and transitioning him to a toddler bed is next on the list. Phew, I am exhausted just thinking of all of this. I took a step back and tried to look at this from an outside perspective.That is the moment everything hanged for me, I started thinking of all the things that could go right.Our lifestyle would be more comfortable, we would be able to celebrate holidays and milestones, and finally redecorate the house. I knew it would be tough for me to handle Kayden by myself everyday without help, but I knew this was just another 'mom challenge' I had to face. I knew this was a new beginning for all of us. It is so easy to get sidetracked by all the what if's in life. I even thought about working from home, to try and bring some extra cash in the house, and it would be something I would do for myself as well. But I got worried that it would take away from the little time I would get with Curtis. With every negative thought you have, there is always two positive thoughts that should come with it. I use to be so scared to talk to people, or put myself out there,because I was so concerned about being judged or if people would like me, and I will admit I am still not carefree about it, but I have gotten a lot better. whats the worst that could happen? So what if I don't click with them, on the flip side I could make a great friend and expand my circle. Life is so unpredictable, we should take these leaps, and opportunities instead of pondering on the negative.