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How to get your kid to eat more fruits

Sunday, 27 August 2017
Hey guys,
As parents, we all struggle with different things when it comes to our kids. Some don't sleep at night, some are shy, others wont stop whining! I feel most parents struggle with their kids eating their fruits and vegetables. Fruit became an issue once kayden turned one. He discovered there's other and better food out there and would just spit it out if his mouth. I didn't want kayden to be missing out on nutrition, so i knew i needed to start getting creative.
1. Baked goods

I love baking. I recently got more into baking breakfast foods (muffins, cakes etc). Curtis isn't big on breakfast (i don't know why), unless its full out (bacon, eggs, waffles, the whole 9 yards). I did notice if i made muffins, banana bread or coffee cake, he would definitely eat it. And to my surprise, so did kayden. Kayden was obsessed with baked goods, he thought it was a special treat and couldn't get enough of it. The best part? He didn't even notice the fruit. Now he is obsessed with anything that has blueberry, strawberry or raspberry in it. I know you must be thinking, but what about the sugar? There are so many great ways to cut down on sugar and butter when baking. I make mini muffins and one satisfies him. Nothing ever lasts more then 3 days, and it guarantees everyone starts off their day will a full belly.

2. Apple sauce
Kayden never liked the taste of plain apple sauce, and has never gotten use to the taste of apples. For some reason, i decided to get strawberry flavored apple sauce one day. I am so glad i listened to my gut feeling, because Kayden loved it, it instantly became one of his go to snacks. I got some in a few flavors, ( peach, mixed berry, and even some with vegetables) and he loved them. The best part is you can get some with vegetables, fibre and no sugar added, whatever you feel your child is lacking, they have it covered. I like to get the ones in travel pouches from Motts, because they are perfect for on the go. I can throw it in my bag, and when kayden eats it, he doesn't make a mess. I always buy the ones with 'no sugar added'. He gets all the sweetness he loves and craves, without the sugar high.

3. Smoothies
Kayden doesn't like smoothies, which breaks my heart, since curtis and i cant get enough of them. You can pack so many fruits, and other ingredients they may not like. We buy frozen fruit, since our fresh fruit spoils quicky and attracts fruit flies. We always have fruit in the freezer and there are so many combinations you can create. We add yogurt and milk, and enjoy. This is a great way to sneak some vegetables in as well.

4. Frozen fruit pops
Get some fruit and puree them, as if you are making baby food. You can buy popsicle molds from any store (i got mine from the dollar store), and pour the puree into the mold. Stick a popsicle stick in it, and freeze. Your child will think they are having a treat, but its all fruit, which means they wont get that sugar high that we all dread. Kayden went through a phase this summer where all he wanted was feeezes. I didn't mind because we had a hot summer, and it was a perfect way to cool down. But after awhile i was getting concerned with the amount if sugar he was having. This was a great alternative, and gave him the same satisfaction.

As parents we want our children to have a healthy balance of enjoying a treat, while staying healthy. As Kayden has gotten older he has become more away that a cookie tastes a lot better then a piece of fruit. I hate to say that i have 'tricked' him, but i have. He has gone through phases of eating fruit (bananas, cherries and grapes) but it never stuck. I hope these ideas help you through your rut. 

Liebster Award

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Hey Guys,
I am so honored to be nominated for a liebster award. I have been blogging for over a year, and recently decided to go the social media route. I never thought i would get recognized or even be able to grow a social media following. I am so honored to be considered noteworthy. Thank you @InandOutofVegas (twitter handle) and her website is 

1. What state or country do you live in?

I live in Canada, in one of the big cities aka Toronto!
2. How long have you been blogging?

This past april marked 1 year! I still cant believe it has been that long. This is one 'job' (i put it in quotations because i still haven't made money, so is it really a job?) Where time really has flown by.
3. Red or White wine?

White all the way. My tastes have changed so much in the past few years. Before Kayden was born i was all about red. In the past few months i have been loving dry white wines.
4. Do you have children? And how old are they?

Yes i have one boy. And he is going to be 3 in September.
5. What is your least favorite meal to prepare.

Breakfast. Anything that has to do with that, i cant make it. I have failed at everything. I do not make good scrambled eggs or breakfast potatoes. I can make a bagel, that's about it.
6. What do you like to do in your free time?

Grab junk food, lay in bed and watch tv. I know it sounds extremely lazy, but i rarely get to do this peacefully. I don't have a lot of free time in my day, i would say about an hour, and i rarely do all 3. I am usually to tired to sit through a show (which is probably why it takes me forever to get through a series). With a toddler, you are always running around and are on their schedule. Whenever i get a chance to sit down with my feet up, i will take it.
7. Favorite food or cuisine

I love pizza. I honestly cant get enough of it. You can have it anytime of the year and there are so many possibilities. I have never had a bad pizza or heard someone say they dislike it. It is a meal i can order when i am lazy and everyone loves it.
8. How do you balance, privacy, personal time, and blogging?

It took me awhile to find balance in my life, in general. It was something i struggled with after i had kayden. I was being pulled in 10 different directions, and felt as though i was go go go. I had to take a step back and focus on my family and myself. That was the most important thing. That is something that i always keep in my mind. They come first. I never want to post/publish anything that is to invasive or detrimental to them. I like to think that i am honest about my experiences and struggles. I blog when Kayden is sleeping, that ensures that it doesn't infringe on me being a mother.

We all go through struggles and problems in life. I usually speak on topics when i am comfortable, or when a significant time has passed. This allows my emotions to not take over, where i could say something that may potentially be hurtful.

There are a lot of days, where i do not feel as though i have blogged enough, or been on social media enough. I do feel as though i am behind in the 'blogging world' since i am balancing being a mom and a blogger.
9. Best advice for bloggers

Do not be afraid to promote yourself and your blog. This is something that took me almost a year to get comfortable with. The best decision i made, was creating a twitter and instagram account for my blog. It was nice connecting with other bloggers, and discovering new people. I realized if i don't put myself or my blog out there, no one will read it. If you dont have the confidence in your blog, then no one else will. Don't be afraid to put your social media and blog links out there.
10. Favorite social media platform

It would have to be tie between twitter and Instagram. Im on each one equally, and they both have their pros. I love how up to date and quick you get your information. Everyone expresses their opinion (which can also be a con) and is a great place to discover/connect with like minded people.

Kayden's Summer Schedule

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Hey guys,
With the warm weather, long days and endless amounts of ice cream, one cant help but change up the regular routine. I like to keep kayden on a schedule that is similar to what he would have if he was in school. During weekdays and the school year his day is more scheduled. During holidays and weekends he is on a schedule but it is more relaxed.

With summer here, we have changed up our daily routine. We spend a lot of time outdoors, and i allow kayden to sleep in( and sometimes stay up late). I thought i would share what our day is like
6:30 am- 7:00 kayden usually wakes up between these times. Every morning he walks into our room and insists on squishing himself between his dad and me. Of course he demands blankets and half the bed.

7:00am kayden uses the bathroom and gets some breakfast. Kayden never liked breakfast but i worked really hard on getting him to eat something. Its usually a small amount if cereal, but it is better then nothing.

7:30-8:00am kayden plays independently while i clean up. Sometimes the TV is on, but usually it is just in the background.

8:00am-8:30 kayden and i play together. I let kayden choose what he wants to play with and we go from there. He is obsessed with cars and trains so that is usually what he picks.

8:30am Since kayden had a small breakfast, he is hungry by this time. I let kayden choose a snack and then we get ready to go outside.

9:00am-10:00am with the weather being nice I love taking advantage of being outdoors. Buddy (the dog) Kayden and I go on long walks. We take his bike and he often jumps off, explores nature and sometimes just runs down the sidewalk.

10:00am-10:45am Kayden always gets a freeze or ice cream when we come back from our walk. Its a fun summertime treat and something different. He always wants water after his treat, so it is a good balance. We have a toddler pool on our balcony, so I fill it up and let him play in it. Kayden is still getting use to it, so i do bribe him to stay in it. It is such a good way to tire him out.

10:45-11:30am Kayden is done playing in the pool and i dry him off and just relax outside. I usually start warming up lunch by 11am, because as soon as he gets out of the pool he will complain about how hungry he is. If the weather is good (and it usually is) we will eat outside on the balcony.

11:30-1145am i tidy up lunch and get kayden ready for a nap. He uses the bathroom, and i read him a story.

Noon-2:30pm this is ME time. I relax, watch some TV and catch up on all my social media and use this time to blog. Sometimes i take a little nap as well.

2:30pm-3:45pm kayden wakes up and it is just play play play. He has a snack and i let him do a free for all.

4:00pm -5:00pm i cook dinner at this time. I hate to say it, but regardless of what time kayden wakes up, he always wants dinner at this time. I put the tv/music on for kayden. He doesn't just sit down and watch tv for an hour but goes back and forth with playing with his toys and watching. Im not proud of it, but i gotta do what i gotta do.

5:00pm-5:45pm we eat dinner(usually on the balcony if the weather is nice), i clean up and we get ready to go outside.

5:45pm-6:45pm kayden gets on his bike, i grab the dog and we go for a nice long walk. Usually it's cooler now, which makes it more enjoyable.

6:45pm-7:00pm Bath time. I will admit this is my favorite time of the day. I am usually exhausted, and kayden is acting up now, because he is tired.

As i mentioned i want kayden to take full advantage of this weather. He hates being cooped up inside, and i don't blame him. Once a week i usually go to my parents house. They have a backyard so that allows him to run around and play. On weekends, with curtis home, that gives me a bit of a break. We also keep him outside at local parks, library etc. 

Febreze Fabric Refreshers review

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Hey Guys,
I recently received a sample for Febreze Fabric Refreshers. I have used febreze products in the past and could not wait to try this out.
This product claims to trap and get rid of odors. You can use it on everyday items such as, shoes, sofas, curtains etc. It promises to leave a fresh scent and it can be used once a week.
In the past i have used it in my living room. This is where the most action is, my dog sleeps on the sofa, kayden spends the day playing there, and we cant forget the guests we have coming in and out. I always fear that the furniture doesn't smell great, because we live in an apartment. we cant forget how close the kitchen is to the living room. Whenever i fry foods, i feel like the whole house smells like whatever I fried, so i can only assume my sofa does as well.
The first time i tried it, i will admit, i was not impressed. I felt like the scent disappeared within minutes. I decided to try it again and from then on it was amazing. I sprayed my sofa, the rug, and the chair in kayden's room. It instantly transformed the way the room smelled. Its a light refreshing smell, the more you spray, the stronger the scent will be. The scent lasted for most of the day, and in sone cases into the wee hours. This is exactly what i was looking for.

I started using Febreze fabric refreshers about twice a week, and i felt that was sufficient. I no longer have to worry about lingering odors. I would give this product a 9/10. It retails for $4.47 at my local walmart which is a great price. My bottle has lasted for about a month which is a significant amount of time (and i still haven't finished it).