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Sunshine Blogger Award

Monday, 27 November 2017

Im back with another blogger award nomination. A sunshine blogger award from the amazing Becca. I was nominated back on October, but as usual, life got in the way. Better late then never, right?
Her website is
And her twitter is @RebeccaWbu_94
1. Name 3 life goals you want to achieve

The first one would be to be successful. I dont mean to make a million dollars. I want to make some sort of impact in the world. That's part of why i started to blog, i want to touch and reach others and hopefully be able to help them.

The second is, i want to live life. A lot of people don't know that pay child support (30% of our income). That is a huge chunk. We have cut back on groceries, celebrations and moving ahead in life. We have sacraficed a lot for an amount that is not based on our current income, but rather double. I cant wait to be able to give our child everything he deserves and be able to celebrate life and actually save.

My last goal is to have a happy and healthy family.
2. One thing or person that makes you laugh

This is easy. Curtis. He is my partner in life and one of the best things about us, is how much he makes me laugh. During our hardest times, curtis always put a smile on my face.
3. If you could go back in time to when and why?

I always say, life was so easy when i was a kid. So i would say when i was about 5 years old. Life was the best. My bestfriend lived on ny street and we would spend hours together. We played outside all day and did everything together, trick or treating, played sports etc. I never worried about anything, and best of all i had no responsibilities.
4. Name one celeb you fancy?

Safarree from love and hip hop.
5. 3 words to describe yourself

Funny. Caring. Smart
6. What's your worst habit?

Over thinking things. Thats all i do. I over think the budget, household, events etc. Regardless of how much i plan for things, i still continue to stress and overthink every aspect. I am constantly making lists and the worst part, i think of every worst possible outcome, which ends up stressing me more.
7. Whats the most emberassing thing that has ever happened to you?

I am going to tell you the first thing that came in my head. When i was working, prior to kayden being born, i use to wake up at 4:30am. I had to leave the house around 6am to catch the bus (we didn't have a car at the time). Since curtis started work around 7ish, he didnt wake up till much later. I was use to getting up/going to bed by myself.  One morning i decided to turn on the bedroom light and ask curtis if my white skirt was see through. Through his grumbles, he said no. I proceded to leave the house, talk to people in the building, walk down the street, get on a bus, walk to work, all to find out that my skirt is see through. Everyone could see my bright florescent pink thong. I was mortified. Looking back i shouldve just taken off my panties, instead i spent the whole day trying to keep my shirt over my butt.
8. If you had a superpower what would it be?

Reading peoples minds.
9. What is your favorite tv show?

This is us. I have never cried watching a show, but this show brings out all my emotions. It pulls on every heartstring, and all the stories are relatable. Regardless of who you are, there is one character on this is us that you can identify with.
10. Morning person or evening person?

Morning. Dont ask why, but i am. I can always get up in the morning, i have never had an issue with it. But when it comes to the evening, im a log. Im always tired, i dont want to do anything but be in bed.
11. What actress/actor would you choose to play you in a film and why?

Hands down Demi Lovato. It has nothing to do with the idea that we look the same. Its her personality. Shes sassy, hardworking and extremely funny. She has gone through a lot in her life (as we all know), and after watching her documentary i fell in love with her more. I really got a chance to learn about her, and see her in her natural element.

The Essential Guide to a Stress free Thanksgiving

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Thanksgiving is here! Well American thanksgiving is. I live in canada, so technically my thanksgiving is in october. I didnt grow up celebrating it, so when i met curtis, i didnt care that he wanted to celebrate it in November. For those of you who dont know, curtis was born in raised in America.

We have been together for 5 years. So i thought i would give all of you a breakdown of the day along with tips and tricks. And you can definetly apply these to any big dinner party or holiday.

I will start off with football. This is curtis's favorite thing about thanksgiving. He loves football, especially because the Dallas cowboys are playing. He sits in front of the TV with his beer and watches. This year we are having 2 guests over, which is perfect for us, since our table only sits 4.

I had my menu planned in October. I had appetizers, main and deasert planned. I also bought my turkey in october since i knew i would get a good deal on it.
On the menu this year is:

Antipasto platter


Dipping sauce for bread

Mini cheeseburger bites

Cherry tomatoes stuffed with goat cheese


Macaroni and cheese

Cornbread stuffing



Collard greens

Banana pudding


Ice cream

Over the past few weeks i have slowly gathered the ingredients and extra supplies i needed to make thanksgiving complete.
Since we are inviting curtis's bosses, we will be eating later. One boss took the day off and the other has to work. Since he will be getting off around 6ish dinner will most likely be at 7:30. I want an hour in between courses, because there is nothing that drives me up the wall more then eating food back to back with no gap.
I plan on putting the turkey in around 4pm (with curtis's help). Then during the last 30 minutes i will put the dressing around the bird. A little tip, i bought a cooking bag that you can get from any grocery store. This is fullproof, it cooks fast and keeps the turkey juicy. While the turkey is cooking i am going to make collard greens. When the turkey is done i will put the mac n cheese and cornbread in the oven.

I plan to do prep work before any of our guests come over so i can spend even less time in the kitchen. I want to cut up the vegetables for the cornbread stuffing, cook the pasta noodles and grate the cheese.

I know you all are wondering why? Why is she so crazy about this? Well first of all this is a major holiday in the states, even bigger then christmas dinner. And last year i didnt get to enjoy it. I spent the whole time in the kitchen, our guests ate dinner, then had to leave before dessert. Essentially i didnt get to sit down or interact with them. I felt left out. Who wants to put in all that work and not be able to enjoy themselves?
I bought a black tablecloth, which i think will be a lifesaver. I will use it for all 3 courses (as long as it doesn't get dirty). I am hoping at the end of the night i won't have to clean off the table mulitple times, and i can throw it in the wash. Easy cleanup. I am also going to use the dishes i already own. We have square black plates (i bought an extra one) so its going to be a black theme. I have small pumpkins i am going to use as decorations as well. Even though in canada everyone is in the mood for Christmas, i am going to try to keep it as fall-ish as i can.

My tip: if your dollar stores are anything like mine, you can find amazing buys. I found some serving platters, that are the same quality as any big box store, for a third of the price. I also picked up some napkins for appetizers and a basket for the bread. My greatest find, were the cutest straws. They have cute little sayings.
For appetizers and dessert i am making some if the items. The key is to mix it up. It allows you to relax a little bit, and the guests get a mixture of homemade and premade. I know some people like to do everything, but you need to cut yourself some slack.
Heres a glance at my thanksgiving week:

I am going to take out my turkey from the freezer and put it in the fridge. My turkey is 15 pounds, so this gives it plenty of time to thaw out.

I was going to make pies, but our guests request was banana pudding, that is all they wanted. I personally dont mind, since it means less work for me. But if i was baking, i would make all my pies wednesday night.
Christmas tree will also go up today! As i said in canada, after mid october we have no holidays. Since November people have been slowly putting up their decorations. This also gives me a chance to see if i need anything else for my tree.
I will also be picking up any items that i didn't have time to buy, or items that i need fresh. As well as any alcohol.

I am going to put the turkey in the oven about 3-4 hours before i want it done.

I will also be doing my prep work 2 hours before my guests come. Cutting up vegetables and boiling my pasta.

1 hour before i will start to get ready and take the dog out.

When they are on their way over i will plate my appetizers.

I hope my tips will be able to help you on this special day, or any future dinner.

4 companies that will send you free stuff/money

Monday, 13 November 2017
I know I am not the only one who loves freebies. There is nothing better then receiving full size products, and reviewing them. There are lots of companies who claim to do this, but I have found a few companies who actually hold up their end of the bargain.
This company is available to residents in North America and the UK. They are one of the easiest companies to use. You create a login and they give you quizes to do. These quizzes allow them to get to know you. They ask you about your household and your lifestyle. You will frequently have to repeat these surveys, but it allows them to keep up to date with you.

Campaigns are hard to come by, but when you get them, it will make up for the time you didn't. So far, this year I have had 2 campaigns, one for Walmart and another for Febreeze.

Bzz Agent will send you an email (if you qualify) with all the details, and if you are interested, then you accept.

In between campaigns, they have fun twitter, instagram and pinterest activities for you to do as well.

You receive a score out if 10, which is determined based on your activity level. The more up to date with the surveys you are, and the more social media activities you participate in, the higher your score will be. Once you get a campaign, they rate your reviews, which can also increase your score. Your score determines how quickly you will get campaign invites.
This website allows you to express your opinions through surveys. They claim to be the largest global invitation only, survey company. Every survey is a different length of time, and they pay you according to the time it takes. The longer the survey, the higher the payout is.

The only downside is you don't get a paycheck. You use the "money" to redeem giftcards. There are many categories to choose from, but I have only redeemed it for a food gift card. There are plenty of other options to choose from such as, clothing stores, air miles, movies etc.

I find if you look out for the emails, and out effort into it, it is easy to rack up money to redeem.
I recently joined this website, and I will start by saying all the reviews online are true.

I get invites to surveys weekly, but there have been many that I didn't qualify for. It is hard to get chosen, but when you do the payoff is amazing. I have gitten paid about $4 per survey on average and they pay you via cheque. They available to canadian residents 16+
This company is my favorite. They send out sample boxes quarterly, and you get a variety of items. They send you an email a few weeks before samples go live. They ask you questions based on the samples they have to offer. Then they give you a list of samples for you to choose from based on your answers. You can pick the ones you want to try. They send you another email when your box ships. They say you should receive it within 4-6 weeks, but i always get it within the week.

The reason samplesource is my favorite, is based on a few reasons. They usually send you full size items along with a lot of coupons. Regardless of what your interests are, they have something for you. Every once in awhile i get a surprise in my mailbix from them. They send some samples complimentary.

All samplesource asks from you, is to fill out a survey about the samples they have sent you. You will get an email 4-6 weeks after you have received your box.

Samplesource is available to Canadian and American reaidents.

I hope you all check out some of thess sites. I will say, once i started putting in more effort towards my survey invites, i really started to see a payoff. The great thing about all of these companies, is they want YOUR opinion. To be able to help shape products for free is amazing. 

Kayden's first activity - Hit or Miss?

Sunday, 5 November 2017
Hey guys,
In september we enrolled Kayden into his first activity. I know what you are thinking.... But he is 3 years old? Yes i know. Timing is everything.

Kayden has always been shy but over the past 6 months he has really started to come out of his shell and was interacting with other children more. I always see parents complaining about spending money and their kid didnt participate. I didnt want that to happen. I wanted kayden to figure out what he enjoyed before enrolling him.

The activity we enrolled Kayden in, is for 2-4 year olds. Every class they get free play and circle time. Circle time is done twice, at the beginning and at the end. They sing a hello song, a goodbye song and always do an activity as a group.

We have been to 5 classes so far, and I have mixed thoughts on it. Kayden loves the activity, and looks forward to it every week. I thought there would be more kids thst he could bounce off of. Kids that could learn from him and vice versa. Most of the kids dont interact, which makes it hard for kids to work on their social skills. The gym is big so it isn't often that there is more then one kid at an activity. When it does happen, it is only for a minute or two. Social interraction isn't promoted.

Kayden has learned a lot about sharing, since he cant just take a toy he likes, and has followed tasks through the first time.  It is nice to get some insight as to how he would do in school. He follows instructions great and follows the crowd. He has even warmed up to singing the songs, and his favorite thing is the 'sleeping bunnies' song and the parachute games.

Curtis and i thought about pulling him out if the class. It is a 1 hour class and atleast 45 minutes is free play, not much structure. We decided not to because i believed this was a good introductory class for him. It got him use to playing with a big group of kids, and having to listen/follow directions from another adult.

The best part.... It tires him out. It is such a great morning activity that he almost falls asleep in the car on the way home. With fall here, we do not spend a lot of time outside, so burning off Kayden's extra energy has been a challenge.

Going forward we going to put Kayden in more structured activites.