Im back with another blogger award nomination. A sunshine blogger award from the amazing Becca. I was nominated back on October, but as usual, life got in the way. Better late then never, right?
And her twitter is @RebeccaWbu_94
1. Name 3 life goals you want to achieve
The first one would be to be successful. I dont mean to make a million dollars. I want to make some sort of impact in the world. That's part of why i started to blog, i want to touch and reach others and hopefully be able to help them.
The second is, i want to live life. A lot of people don't know that pay child support (30% of our income). That is a huge chunk. We have cut back on groceries, celebrations and moving ahead in life. We have sacraficed a lot for an amount that is not based on our current income, but rather double. I cant wait to be able to give our child everything he deserves and be able to celebrate life and actually save.
My last goal is to have a happy and healthy family.
2. One thing or person that makes you laugh
This is easy. Curtis. He is my partner in life and one of the best things about us, is how much he makes me laugh. During our hardest times, curtis always put a smile on my face.
3. If you could go back in time to when and why?
I always say, life was so easy when i was a kid. So i would say when i was about 5 years old. Life was the best. My bestfriend lived on ny street and we would spend hours together. We played outside all day and did everything together, trick or treating, played sports etc. I never worried about anything, and best of all i had no responsibilities.
4. Name one celeb you fancy?
Safarree from love and hip hop.
5. 3 words to describe yourself
6. What's your worst habit?
Over thinking things. Thats all i do. I over think the budget, household, events etc. Regardless of how much i plan for things, i still continue to stress and overthink every aspect. I am constantly making lists and the worst part, i think of every worst possible outcome, which ends up stressing me more.
7. Whats the most emberassing thing that has ever happened to you?
I am going to tell you the first thing that came in my head. When i was working, prior to kayden being born, i use to wake up at 4:30am. I had to leave the house around 6am to catch the bus (we didn't have a car at the time). Since curtis started work around 7ish, he didnt wake up till much later. I was use to getting up/going to bed by myself. One morning i decided to turn on the bedroom light and ask curtis if my white skirt was see through. Through his grumbles, he said no. I proceded to leave the house, talk to people in the building, walk down the street, get on a bus, walk to work, all to find out that my skirt is see through. Everyone could see my bright florescent pink thong. I was mortified. Looking back i shouldve just taken off my panties, instead i spent the whole day trying to keep my shirt over my butt.
8. If you had a superpower what would it be?
9. What is your favorite tv show?
This is us. I have never cried watching a show, but this show brings out all my emotions. It pulls on every heartstring, and all the stories are relatable. Regardless of who you are, there is one character on this is us that you can identify with.
10. Morning person or evening person?
Morning. Dont ask why, but i am. I can always get up in the morning, i have never had an issue with it. But when it comes to the evening, im a log. Im always tired, i dont want to do anything but be in bed.
11. What actress/actor would you choose to play you in a film and why?
Hands down Demi Lovato. It has nothing to do with the idea that we look the same. Its her personality. Shes sassy, hardworking and extremely funny. She has gone through a lot in her life (as we all know), and after watching her documentary i fell in love with her more. I really got a chance to learn about her, and see her in her natural element.