I love baking. Probably because i love anything sweet. I can usually bake anything, but for some reason i havent attempted to tackle cookies, i always buy premade cookie dough.
On one of my many grocery pickups, walmart gave me a sample of xo chocolate chip cookie mix. I had never heard of this brand before, but to be fair i am not up to date with gluten free lines. Yes thats right, gluten free. I personally dont have a gluten intolerance, but i can sympathise with those who do. My bestfriend in highschool had to eat gluten free, i even heard about the aftermath when she indulged.
I have tried a few gluten free products, and i was amazed by the taste. You couldn't even tell the difference. I was anxious to see how this baking mix tasted. My boyfriend is the perfect taste tester, because he is picky with his food. It is one thing for me to like it, but if he enjoyed it, i knew it was a hit.
The mix itself was easy. I added eggs, vanilla and butter. The mix came in a clear bag, all i had to do was combine all the ingredients. I did notice that the mix was a lot wetter then traditional cookie dough. It threw me off, but i went with it.
I baked 2 batches of cookies, and made slight differences. The first batch the balls i formed wernt perfect, and i cooked then for the minimum amount of time. The second batch i did perfect balls, and baked them for a little longer.
The results
My boyfriend and i were split on our thoughts. Curtis loved the cookies, he couldn't even tell that they were gluten free, and he preferred the second batch. I did not care for the taste at all, but i think it is because i found it had to much vanilla in it. I also preferred the first batch.
Here is the best part, we gave the cookies to 2 people who didnt know they were gluten free, and they loved them. They said it tasted delicious, and didnt know it was gluten free.
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