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Xo Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix Review

Sunday, 17 December 2017
I love baking. Probably because i love anything sweet. I can usually bake anything, but for some reason i havent attempted to tackle cookies, i always buy premade cookie dough.

On one of my many grocery pickups, walmart gave me a sample of xo chocolate chip cookie mix. I had never heard of this brand before, but to be fair i am not up to date with gluten free lines. Yes thats right, gluten free. I personally dont have a gluten intolerance, but i can sympathise with those who do. My bestfriend in highschool had to eat gluten free, i even heard about the aftermath when she indulged.

I have tried a few gluten free products, and i was amazed by the taste. You couldn't even tell the difference. I was anxious to see how this baking mix tasted. My boyfriend is the perfect taste tester, because he is picky with his food. It is one thing for me to like it, but if he enjoyed it, i knew it was a hit.
The mix itself was easy. I added eggs, vanilla and butter. The mix came in a clear bag, all i had to do was combine all the ingredients. I did notice that the mix was a lot wetter then traditional cookie dough. It threw me off, but i went with it.

I baked 2 batches of cookies, and made slight differences. The first batch the balls i formed wernt perfect, and i cooked then for the minimum amount of time. The second batch i did perfect balls, and baked them for a little longer.
The results

My boyfriend and i were split on our thoughts. Curtis loved the cookies, he couldn't even tell that they were gluten free, and he preferred the second batch. I did not care for the taste at all, but i think it is because i found it had to much vanilla in it. I also preferred the first batch.

Here is the best part, we gave the cookies to 2 people who didnt know they were gluten free, and they loved them. They said it tasted delicious, and didnt know it was gluten free.

This product is expensive, retailing for $8.97 at my local Walmart. If gluten free products are a must in your lifestyle, then I would highly reccomend this. It tastes exactly like chocolate chip cookies,and no one will be able to tell the difference.

Great Value glass and Surface Cleaner Review

Sunday, 10 December 2017
Cleaning is a drag. Im not going to sugar coat it. Especially after having Kayden, i cant seem to ever stop cleaning. Counters need to be wiped down, toys need to be picked up, dishes need to be washed etc. It is never ending!

I go through cleaning supplies quickly, i dont know what it is, but if it has a nozzle, i am heavy handed. I needed a new glass cleaner a few months ago, and i decided to go with a store brand. As you all know, walmart is one if my go to stores, so i decided to try their glass and surface cleaner.

The bottle states that it is biodegradable, fragrance free, and its 99% naturally derived.
I was shocked that i liked that this product was fragrance free. I usually like a mild scent when i clean, i always associate a clean house with it smelling good. I primarily used the cleaner in two places,the bathroom and kitchen.

It does clean up messes and spills, the only downside, it doesn't do the greatest job of cleaning things stuck on the counter. Food splatters, when im mixing and cooking, and i dont wipe down my counters until after im done cooking. I did find i had to really scrub to get it off the counter and stove. I usually use pine sol, and it came off much easier with it.

I also have mixed feelings about it as a window cleaner. Initially when i used it i loved it. There was no streaking and my Windows looked clean. But when the sun was shinning through our window, you could see streaks.
If you remember an earlier post, i wrote about my cleaning schedule. I deep clean every room once a week, but do the kitchen daily. I feel this cleaner would be good for regular day to day cleaning, where you just need to wipe things down. But i think for my regular cleaning i will stick to pine sol.

Canadiana Coat Review. Hit or Miss?

Monday, 4 December 2017
It is that time of year again. Christmas lights are going up, comfort food is cooking in the kitchen, and winter coats are being worn.

As difficult as it is bundling up a toddler, everything is just better during this time of year. For the past year i have been on the hunt for the perfect winter coat. I had my last coat for about 5 years and after I had Kayden it became to small for me. Then last year the zippers on the pockets stopped working. I couldn't stall any longer, it was time for a new coat.

For the past year i have had my eye on a Canadiana coat, that walmart makes. Yes thats right, by Walmart. I dont care what anyone says, walmart is amazing, and their clothing quality has gotten a lot better. It was $99.99 and last year i waited for it to go on sale, but it never did. I spent a year researching it, and I was convinced it was the one for me.

On my birthday my parents gave me some money, and I knew I had to buy my coat then. It usually gets cold in October, but this year the weather has been all over the place. I wanted to make sure i had my coat in time for the cold weather. I thought I was early, but I was wrong. I was lucky to find my size( medium), i took the last one. And the coat was so great, Curtis bought one as well.

My Review
I had a chance to wear the coat for about a month now, daily. I am in love. I bought a medium, which allows me to wear bulky sweaters underneath, which is perfect for when the snow falls. I got a parka coat, so I love the way it covers my bum, and part of my legs, keeping me extra warm. And when i say it keeps me warm, thats an understatement. I am extra warm, sometimes when i am wearing it inside i start sweating! I have never felt cold wearing the coat, and we have already had one cold alert.

I have had expensive, designer coats before, and this coat keeps me as warm, if not better. And my boyfriend said, it looked a lot better. It has way to many pockets, so storage is not an issue. My favorite part of the coat, has to be the hood. I always had hoods falling off my head, but this one is so snug. The only time i had an issue was when it was windy, which is expected. It also has reflective gear on the arms, so vehicles can see you at night. I live in the city, so this was an amazing selling point for me. There are always cars, regardless of what time i go outside, for them to be able to see me a little bit better is better for everyone.
Initially I thought $99.99 was to expensive, but I think it is a great deal. It is as comfy as a designer coat, and it keeps me warmer. Here in Canada, you cant escape the cold. With curtis working long hours, it is usually me and Kayden at home. As if last year Kayden loves the snow, and he will spend as much time outside as he can get. I noticed last year that a warm coat is a must. I didnt like feeling cold, or rushing kayden during our walk. This coat allows me to do it all. Buddy also loves the cold weather, and it doesn't bother me one bit anymore.

The coat runs for about $50 less then other stores, and is just as stylish.

I would reccomend this coat to everyone, and it deserves a 10/10. Curtis loves designer clothing. He saw a Tommy Hilfiger coat, and he said it does not compare. If you are looking for something affordable, for everyday use, and a coat that will keep you warm, then you should check it out.