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No More Naps!

Monday, 15 January 2018
I feel like it has been so long since i did a mommy post. I have been reviewing so many beauty products, that i started to miss writing about being a Mommy.
I did a post awhile ago about some of the troubles i was experiencing with kayden. One of the big issues was his sleeping. He would always take his nap, but he would never sleep at night. It was frustrating and exhausting. I never got any time to myself, whenever he was awake so was i, and i was getting more and more exhausted.
Curtis and i had discussed taking away his naps, but i felt it was to soon. I also struggled with not getting adult time. If i have learned anything from being a mom, it is how important my ME time is.
We decided to attempt taking naps away during one weekend. I will admit, having Curtis there helped. He could man the meltdowns while i cooked, which proved to be difficult during weekdays. That weekend, Kayden went down with no issues. He didn't come out of his room 50 times, and bedtime wasn't extended another two hours. Kayden did eventually wake up (and still does), but it is after a few hours, or if he hears a loud noise.
The thing about our apartment, is the kitchen and living room lights shine down the hallway, which means kayden can see light when he lays down. We usually wait till he is asleep before we turn on the lights. sometimes this can be an issue, because our dinner use to get delayed. now he knocks out immediately which allows us to do anything we need to do.

That was one of the great things about eliminating naptimes, his body was ready to go to bed. By the time I walked out of his room, he was knocked out.

When kayden would wake up, it was easier to put him back down. he would be half awake and barely have his eyes open , so we would pick him up and lay him back down. he usually does fall back asleep.
Daytime is the hardest part. Kayden was getting tired around the five and a half hour mark, which was when he would usually go down for a nap. I was running out of ideas with how to keep him occupied. Kayden was having meltdowns from 2:30pm till about 6pm (when i would give him a bath). I was exhausted. Kayden usually goes down at 7:15pm but i couldn't wait.

After a month, i started to notice Kayden getting tired later and later. It eventually went to 3:30pm. Soon the blood curling cries and never ending temper tantrums ended.
Fast forward to today. Kayden doesnt get tired till about 3:30-4pmish. This is such a big improvement. This is normally the time i would start dinner, but now i have to multitask to make sure kayden doesnt fall asleep. On the days he has dozed off for about 30min to an hour, it is pure hell at nightime. It goes back to taking hours for him to go to bed. On the days he does stay awake (which is 99.

9% of the time), he goes down in a snap. I even talked to kayden about his naps, and he says he likes that i took them away and he just sleeps at night.
i do find that i am able to get more done in a shorter amount of time as well. for instance when running errands i do not need to come home by a certain time to ensure that he goes down for a nap, but i can get everything done then he can come home and relax.

i will admit i am much more exhausted then i was before. the one thing about kayden, is that he is always on the go. he is playing with his toys, dancing around, wanting to craft etc. it is rare that he sits down in one spot and i can have a breather.

Now that Kayden gets 10- 12 hours of sleep at night, i find he is in a better mood and his body is getting the rest it needs. i really started to realize how he would just eat because he was tired, and his mood swings were caused by him being tired.  For the most part my days fly by, and the best part, sometimes Kayden will tell me he is tired and wants to go to bed. His body wants rest, and he doesn't feel the need to hide it anymore or feel like he is missing out on something. 
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