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Going Green

Monday, 2 July 2018
I never thought I would go the natural route. To be honest, I didnt completly understand it. It wasnt until I was watching a vlog on youtube, that it got my attention. They mentioned that they didnt like the chemical-y smell of regular cleaners, and I thought 'Neither do I!'.
Since having Kayden I have definitely started cleaning more, and trying to make better choices for the family. I hate the idea of chemicals around my child and dog. I feel like I am constantly cleaning, I dont know if it's because I live in an apartment, but there is always dust and dirt. Everything i would clean I always felt like the chemicals were getting in my mouth and I was eating it. On top of that, my building cleans with PineSol (Curtis' favorite), so I always felt like it smelled like a business not a home.
I kept seeing Mrs. Meyers and Method cleaners all over vlogs. I decided to look up the benefits about green cleaners, and as soon as i did I was completly changed. Kayden touches everything and puts his mouth on everything, to think the amount of chemicals that is going in his mouth is disgusting and scary. I want to provide a safe and chemical free house as much as I can. I spoke to curtis about it and he agreed. I decided to purchase their All Purpose cleaner from our local Longos. As soon as I sprayed it, I was hooked. My house smelled amazing and it cleaned just as good if not better then my old cleaner. I know what you are thinking, but the scent goes away. you are right, but it takes a long time before it does.

I am on my third bottle and I dont think im stopping anytime soon. I am looking into their other products since I am hooked. I am currently trying to finish my antibacterial spray, which wasn't my favorite.
The only thing that bothers me, is how expensive it is, one bottle of all-purpoae spray is about $5. It isnt easy on my budget, but I try to purchase it whenever I can. I like to think I'm paying a little bit more money to save the environment. One thing I have learned about other cleaning products is all the chemicals that you use to clean your house and do dishes goes down the drains and affects the pipes and water systems. On top of that, all these chemicals that we use in our house is not safe for children. I have seen online a lot of people struggle with the idea of using natural cleaners for one of two reasons, first is the price, and the other reason is the stigma behind it. A lot of people question whether or not it will clean as good as regular cleaners, and I will admit I was one of those people.
A great way to discover green cleaning products without having to break the bank is taking the path that I took. I bought one cleaning product and use it until the bottle was done. This allows me to focus on one product at a time and really get to know the product. I got to see how well it cleaned how practical it wasn't my day-to-day life and if it lived up to all of its claims. Once I was done with the one product if I liked it I would be purchasing it which is what I did with the method cleaners. Then I moved on to another product in my case I moved on to dish soap and that is how I slowly integrated green products in my life and got to see if they were able to do what I wanted to do.

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