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Kayden's Summer Schedule

Sunday 13 August 2017

Hey guys,
With the warm weather, long days and endless amounts of ice cream, one cant help but change up the regular routine. I like to keep kayden on a schedule that is similar to what he would have if he was in school. During weekdays and the school year his day is more scheduled. During holidays and weekends he is on a schedule but it is more relaxed.

With summer here, we have changed up our daily routine. We spend a lot of time outdoors, and i allow kayden to sleep in( and sometimes stay up late). I thought i would share what our day is like
6:30 am- 7:00 kayden usually wakes up between these times. Every morning he walks into our room and insists on squishing himself between his dad and me. Of course he demands blankets and half the bed.

7:00am kayden uses the bathroom and gets some breakfast. Kayden never liked breakfast but i worked really hard on getting him to eat something. Its usually a small amount if cereal, but it is better then nothing.

7:30-8:00am kayden plays independently while i clean up. Sometimes the TV is on, but usually it is just in the background.

8:00am-8:30 kayden and i play together. I let kayden choose what he wants to play with and we go from there. He is obsessed with cars and trains so that is usually what he picks.

8:30am Since kayden had a small breakfast, he is hungry by this time. I let kayden choose a snack and then we get ready to go outside.

9:00am-10:00am with the weather being nice I love taking advantage of being outdoors. Buddy (the dog) Kayden and I go on long walks. We take his bike and he often jumps off, explores nature and sometimes just runs down the sidewalk.

10:00am-10:45am Kayden always gets a freeze or ice cream when we come back from our walk. Its a fun summertime treat and something different. He always wants water after his treat, so it is a good balance. We have a toddler pool on our balcony, so I fill it up and let him play in it. Kayden is still getting use to it, so i do bribe him to stay in it. It is such a good way to tire him out.

10:45-11:30am Kayden is done playing in the pool and i dry him off and just relax outside. I usually start warming up lunch by 11am, because as soon as he gets out of the pool he will complain about how hungry he is. If the weather is good (and it usually is) we will eat outside on the balcony.

11:30-1145am i tidy up lunch and get kayden ready for a nap. He uses the bathroom, and i read him a story.

Noon-2:30pm this is ME time. I relax, watch some TV and catch up on all my social media and use this time to blog. Sometimes i take a little nap as well.

2:30pm-3:45pm kayden wakes up and it is just play play play. He has a snack and i let him do a free for all.

4:00pm -5:00pm i cook dinner at this time. I hate to say it, but regardless of what time kayden wakes up, he always wants dinner at this time. I put the tv/music on for kayden. He doesn't just sit down and watch tv for an hour but goes back and forth with playing with his toys and watching. Im not proud of it, but i gotta do what i gotta do.

5:00pm-5:45pm we eat dinner(usually on the balcony if the weather is nice), i clean up and we get ready to go outside.

5:45pm-6:45pm kayden gets on his bike, i grab the dog and we go for a nice long walk. Usually it's cooler now, which makes it more enjoyable.

6:45pm-7:00pm Bath time. I will admit this is my favorite time of the day. I am usually exhausted, and kayden is acting up now, because he is tired.

As i mentioned i want kayden to take full advantage of this weather. He hates being cooped up inside, and i don't blame him. Once a week i usually go to my parents house. They have a backyard so that allows him to run around and play. On weekends, with curtis home, that gives me a bit of a break. We also keep him outside at local parks, library etc. 
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