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Day in the life

Monday, 2 May 2016
I love seeing how other moms structure their day, it has helped me find new ideas during my hard times and has given me lots of tips and tricks. I have recently went through a 18 month sleep regression, and decided it was time for another revamping of Kayden's schedule. I am working on getting him to sleep earlier, and easing him back to a 5:45pm bedtime.

7:30 am - Wakes up and has breakfast
Kayden isn't a big breakfast toddler, never has been , unfortunately he gets this from his father. I have tried giving him anything and the only thing he enjoys is a toddler cereal bar. It is low in sugar and made with real fruit. It gets something in his belly ( even if it is small). He also drinks 4 oz of milk. I either buy Heinz baby bars, or the PC organic Toddler brand.

8:00am- Play time
We take our dog Buddy out for a walk and come back and play! We sit on the floor and play with blocks and his activity centers. It usually tires him out and allows him to be creative.

9:30am- Snack
Because his breakfast is so small Kayden gets hungry at this time. I always have two options available for him to choose from, but lately he has been loving his fruit sauce cups. Kayden was never into apple sauce, so I get a mixture of apple sauce and another fruit and he loves it.

10:00am- Nap-time
Kayden gets his diaper changed and changes into his outfit for the day. We go into his room and read a story which lasts about 15 minutes. To make story time more fun, I have started to ask him to point things out. Kayden loves it, it was an easy way for him to learn his animals, and different objects.

1:00pm- Lunch
Kayden usually wakes up at this time and has his lunch. He eats everything, so I usually give him leftovers from the night before and he  has 4 oz of milk I will also change his diaper.

1:30- Run Errands/Play
If i have errands to run we will go and do them during this time, otherwise we will play. Wetake the dog out for a walk, and when we come back he is energized. We will usually run around the house, and Buddy will join in, Buddy will bark and Kayden will scream with excitement. Once Kayden tires himself out, we will sing songs! His gavorite right now is wheels on the bus and old mcdonalds. He will try to imitate my sounds and loves waving his hands in the air!

3:30pm- Snack Time
Kayden will either have a piece of fruit/yogurt. I use to give him a bigger snack but he would never eat his dinner. This allows him to get something in his belly without filling him up. I will change his diaper before dinner.

This is the latest Kayden can have his dinner, we have it earlier depending on the day. Kayden will eat the exact meal as us, unless it is to spicy. He drink water with this meal

I am working on shifting his schedule, as he is going through a sleep regression. My goal is to work him back to having bath time at 5:45pm. His bath is simple, we use Johnson &Johnson bath products and he takes a bath in a regular bathtub. He splashes and plays with his toys for about 15-30 minutes depending on his mood. My boyfriend and I switch off depending on what we are doing. When I give him a bath I like to sing songs, and encourage his independence. We work on his body parts and learning colors and objects.We use Live Clean lotion on his skin. We discovered early on that Kayden has sensitive skin, this brand along with Aveeno is what we will use.

His dad will go in with him and read him a few stories and then he is knocked out

Just a head's up, I eat when Kayden eats. I have learned it is so much easier, and he enjoys eating independently and gets mad when I try to help him. I do finish before him so if needed I can get him something.I also clean while he is playing sometimes. He follows me around and loves helping out. When I talk about playing, we learn as well. I  believe that is very important and he doesn't notice that I am trying to teach him the basics. Kayden loves water and will drink it in between meals, I leave it out where he can access it easily. I don't believe in juice, I am trying to instill healthy habits early on. Plus it just gets him hyper, and any kid hyped up on sugar is difficult to try to control.
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