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Scoliosis and being a mom

Monday 25 July 2016
Hey Guys!

About 3 years ago I was told I had scoliosis. A simple diagnosis that answered many questions. I went to the doctor to get my birth control refilled and figured while I was there I should ask about my neck pain that was reoccurring.
I remember not being able to stand on my feet for long periods of time, bending over was painful and walking constantly was impossible. My boyfriend didn't understand why I was always complaining and I honestly didn't have the answers. I felt so out of shape and at times felt like I was holding us back. When I was told my neck pain was connected to my spinal issues it all made sense. Even today, I will wake up unable to move my neck, I cant hold kayden for more then a minute and my boyfriend helps pick up heavy items.
When my boyfriend and I were discussing having a baby. He naturally had some concerns. Putting on extra weight, which comes along with a pregnancy, could do a lot of harm. I was told by my doctor to be more conscious of my weight because the more extra weight I have, the higher the chance that I will be in pain. I worked out everyday, I took buddy out for long walks, I went to the gym and I ate healthy. Thank God I put on the perfect amount of weight.
Fast forward to today, it's not always easy with scoliosis, which is why I'm blessed to have a hands on boyfriend. He helps bathe Kayden every night (if he is home). He picks up the heavy items, and helps clean because he knows it can be a lot on my back.
When kayden was younger I was in a lot of pain most days. It's hard with kayden being a newborn, because they need to be picked up and rocked and that can be hard. There were a lot of times I felt like my back was going to snap an I felt like the worst mother out there.
When Kayden napped I napped. I know that sounds cliche, but it wasn't always to sleep, it was to fully rest my back and not put any strain on it. We have a massager, and I would hook it up to my back, after 15 minutes I would fall asleep, and it would continue to massage me. This really helped. It knocked out any pain I would've gotten and got all the knots out. One of the biggest struggles I had was putting kayden to bed. We all know with newborns you can sit in a chair for hours or even walk back and forth. Kayden wasn't big on daytime naps, so I would pace back and forth just for him to go down for 30 minutes. Holding kayden put a lot of strain on my back. When I would sit in a rocking chair what was comfortable for me wasn't for kayden which made it tough.
I was happy after my pregnancy when I could have Epsom salt baths. Kayden was a great night time sleeper, so I could always soak in the tub with lavender scented salts and soak for 30 minutes if Curtis wasn't home. For those fussy nights I had a heating pad which was great. I would sit near the AC (since I live in an apartment) and have the heating pad on and it was glorious.
Now that kayden is 2 months away from being 2, he is a lot bigger but still likes the occasional pick up. Luckily now I can say "you're a big boy, and big boys walk" which is a lifesaver on the days I'm in a lot of pain.
It hasn't gotten better but I do workout in an attempt to keep my weight down and I do have a healthy balanced diet. I made a promise to myself that I wouldnt let my pain hold me back. I may do things slower, and may have to sit down occasionally but I am as hands on as any other mom.
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