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How I de-stress

Monday, 11 July 2016
Hey Guys!

We all deal with stress in life, and with little one's it can be more challenging. Awhile ago I had an awful migraine due to stress, which lasted for a month. I woke up with my head pounding and went to bed unable to move from the pain. I went to the doctor and was told it was from stress. I let things overpower me, to the point where it interfered with me being a mother. This broke my heart, and was a wake up call for me. I decided to find ways to distress myself, not just for my health but also for the benefit of my family.

Working out
It's so cliche but everything you hear about it is true. I literally sweat out every frustration or negative emotion out of me. I have recently increased the number of workouts I do a week and noticed amazing results. I am in a better mood and I sleep a lot better. It is also time I get for myself, it's 30 minutes a day where I can work hard, focus on getting through the workout and nothing else exists.

While working out does help the quality I sleep I get, it doesn't compensate for everything. Figure out how much sleep your body needs a night. I need 7-8 hours but my boyfriend is fine with 5. Sleep outs me in a better mood, I'm more alert and emotions are balanced so I am able to handle situations a lot better. I have a lot more energy and patience with Kayden, and I don't take things out of context. We all underestimate how much sleep can help regulate our emotions, and allow us to function in a productive way.

Take time for yourself
I use to spread myself thin, and looking back that was the worst thing I could do. You need to find something that calms you down and helps center you. For me a good nap can make everything better. Find what you need to put yourself in a better place, get your nails done, hair done, go out with friends etc. This will allow yourself to breathe and give you a break from the day to day. There are days when Kayden is whining a little extra, or he didn't get enough sleep and everything is to emotional for him. If my boyfriend is home, I tell him I need a time out, and he takes over. If you have family/friends nearby don't be afraid to ask them for help. Sometimes you need to just step outside if there is no one to help you. I will go out on the balcony with kayden, he will blow some bubbles, play with some toys and I get to a few moments of sanity.

I love tea in the evening. After I workout I love making myself a cup of decaf green tea ( I also have other flavors) sit on the couch and just relax. Honestly, evening is the best time for me, Kayden is asleep, the house is quiet, and if my boyfriend isn't working that night,we get quality time together. There is something about tea ( or anything warm) that calms your body, and just relaxes you. I also sleep better when I drink a warm beverage. There are many teas out there, and I can guarantee that you'll find one that works for you, i always gave orange pekoe, green tea and chai tea stocked in my cabinet.
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