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Gain Fireworks Review

Wednesday 20 July 2016
 Hey guys!
The past few days I have been sick so excuse the late post. This is going to be about gain fireworks. A few companies have come out with their version of this. I never bothered with any of these, but the past few months we have been trying to stretch our dollar.
My boyfriend loves gain, he loves the scent it leaves on his clothes and has Gain everything, detergent, fabric softener and sheets. We switched to Gain detergent pods, but those got quite pricey. In efforts to cut back awhile ago, he compromised on trying Gain fireworks. If he loved it, we would keep it, if he didn't, it was back to Gain everything.
I'm not picky about detergent , ive never had an issue with stains being left behind, or feeling as though my clothes aren't clean, so I'm easy. We bought perisil detergent because it was on sale, and got Gain Fireworks.
At the beginning my boyfriend dumped a bunch in, looking back, it was to much. But I will admit it's amazing. If you love the scent of certain detergents, but for whatever reason are turning elsewhere these are a great option. They claim to leave your laundry smelling great for a month, I don't know about that, but I will admit after a week or two my clothes did smell great.
We get the amazing Gain scent without having to use to the detergent. My son has sensitive skin, so this has been a great alternative. You are suppose to throw the beads directly into the drum of your washer, and they gradually dissolve as the load gets washed. We have used it on everything, clothes, sheets, bedding and towels. The scent has been amazing on everything. My boyfriend was using cupfulls at a time which he said was to kick so we have been trying to see what amount works for us. There is no maximum or minimum to use which is great, it's to your own preference.

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