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Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Yaaaasss Hunny! I am not one to get overly religious or political on a public forum, but I read this and couldn't help but think about certain events/times in my life. We have all questioned things in life ( our existence, God, why certain things are happening etc,) and maybe lost our faith or way in life. I remember a few months ago, my boyfriend and I were going through a hard time, where everything and anything you could think was happening to us was. We don't have a lot of family to lean on around us, which makes those difficult times much harder. I remember questioning why these things were happening to us. It was during those times he would remind me that I need to strengthen my faith. Ever since I got pregnant, and there was a lot emotionally that I was going through, I made a commitment to pray everyday. It doesn't have to be a certain time frame, or at a certain time everyday. I wanted to take a few moments and thank God for another day, and blessing me for the things I have in my life. As much as we complain about things, we often forget about the small things in life. Even if I may have been selfish, or forgetful, the great thing about God, is tomorrow you start with a clean slate. We are human and God knows that. We don't always make the best decisions in life, but we have unconditional love and forgiveness from him. I know not everyone is religious or believes in God, but whatever you believe is bigger then you is what you should apply this quote to.
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