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Wisdom wednesday

Wednesday 13 July 2016

The past couple of months have been tough for my family. We have had a lot of struggles and challenges. There have been people trying to bring us down, think negatively about us and trying to figure out our next steps in life. There were days when I didn't want to deal with anything, and at times not even get out of bed. I would often wonder, what else could possibly go wrong? Why was all of this happening to us? It was during those moments that my boyfriend reminded me to have faith, not just that things will work out, but that God had a plan for us. Even if you aren't religious, its about having trust that things will work out in the end, as they say, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As tough as these past months have been, I couldn't have gone through all of this, or made it through the day without my trust in God. I do believe that God doesn't put things in front of you that you cannot handle, so there is a reason that we all go through what we go through. We constantly question why certain things are happening, but we need to stop analyzing, and harping on the what if's and the why's and just let go. We can only control ourselves in life, and I have learned this the hard way, all the other things, I leave in God's hands. I have put my full trust in God, and believe that things will work out the way they should.
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