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Car Activites for toddler's

Monday 4 July 2016
Hey Guys!

All of us have to drag our little one around on a day full of errands at one point or another. It can be exhausting trying to prevent meltdowns or dealing with them. Luckily I have found some fool proof ways to keep your little one's happy.

I usually know how long we are going to be out for, and I always try to plan the outing after the meal/snack so it gives me some wiggle room. The one thing I always take is water. Kayden is obsessed with water and always gets thirsty, I also found that he gets hot fast. If I have a drink he is usually good. Water is such a healthy option, and does the trick. If I know we will be out for close to two hours I will take a snack. Something small and easy for him to have that is filling. Some of the things I pack is granola bars, bear paws and raisins. I avoid items that would spoil such as yogurt and fruit.

Our SUV doesn't have a built in video player (if yours does, you are lucky!) Whenever we come back from my parents house, kayden is tired and can get really cranky. My boyfriend has Curious George on his phone and positions it in a way that he can see it, but not touch. Kayden is so happy and quiet, he doesn't make a peep, you think he's sleeping sometimes and our dog Buddy falls asleep and everyone is happy.The great thing about this, is that it is a show that he is obsessed with, it takes his mind off the fact that it is late and he is going to crash soon. We don't use this when running errands in our town, but rather going/coming from someone's house.

Curtis loves blasting his music, and Kayden loves dancing in his car seat. On short rides we play music and kayden dances away. With the weather being warmer we roll down the windows and he loves the wind in his face.

We always have a small toy that kayden can hold onto while he is in the car. Once he gets older I want to incorporate activity books. He will play with the toy for 30 min sometimes an be content, when he was younger he would fall asleep mid playing. Keep in mind the toy needs to be small and something he can hold in his hand and doesn't take up a lot of room. We keep a few toys near his car seat for easy access. Also, change the toys up. Kids can get bored seeing the same toy over and over again. I use to change it up monthly when he was a few months old, that way it would keep his attention.
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