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Balancing Everything

Monday 20 June 2016
Hey Guys!

As Kayden's 2nd birthday is creeping up on me, I must admit, I did think I would have it all figured out by now. As kayden gets older, he becomes more of a handful, and as days go by I am forced to organize my life better.Having balance regardless of how many kids you have, is so important. It ensures you will be at your best, and it keeps you sane. I remember a year ago I tried to do everything and I felt like I was running around all day. As time when on I did a makeover of my life, so I am going to share my tips.

These are lifesavers! I make lists for everything, groceries I need to pick up, things I need to do in the day, and things I need to remember in general. I don't freak out if I don't get to something on the list, I just pick up where I left off the next day. I usually put things in the order that I would do/need them. That ensures the important things get crossed off, and the other things, can wait. I'm not going to lie, I forget things, and this started while I was pregnant and it has just continued on. I have a pad of paper, and a pen with it, and as I think of things, I jot it down quickly.

Find your thing
I remember reading when Kayden was 6 months how every mom has that one thing they need to do in order to stay sane. For some its drinking their coffee while its hot, for others its working out, some is watching their favorite show everyday. It's different for everyone, so find out what your must have thing is everyday, and ensure it gets done. For me, its having a peaceful shower. I love my showers, and I love taking my time and not feeling rushed. Granted I have gotten my shower time down to 15 minutes, so for 15 minutes a day I need to relax. I can tell you, when I do this, I am such a better mom. Take the time for yourself, if you can schedule it when your spouse is home, or if you can get a family member/friend to jump in that would help as well. I shower when Kayden is taking his morning nap, this way I know he will be down for awhile and I won't have any issues.

Cleaning Tip
I use to scramble around everyday, trying to make sure everything was in place. Now on each day of the week I focus on a different part of the house. For instance, on Mondays, its all about the bedrooms. I make sure the beds are perfect, the clothes are put away, I reorganize everything etc. I still clean the other parts of the house, but I don't pay as much attention to it, as I do the bedroom. It is almost superficial cleaning,or just a quick touch up for the rest of the house. The next day, I focus on another room. For me this works great. I spend about 20 minutes in that room, and really make it spotless, and to be honest, by the time it gets dirty again, 5 days have passed. Once a week we do laundry, and my boyfriend will help me with the vacuuming and all the other odds and ends. What's so cute, is Kayden is wanting to help out more, so he is learning about things going in their place, and putting things away, which is such a great help.

Take time for yourself
When Kayden naps, I relax. I put my feet up, watch TV, check my social media and even nap sometimes. Since the weather is warmer, I love sitting out on the balcony. A lot of times parents think they can do everything during this time, and run around and finish things around the house. I need to recharge, and for me, this is the perfect time to do so. I cant tell you how refreshed and how much better I feel when Kayden wakes up, because once he is up, it is GO GO GO! I'm going to be really honest, I love napping during this time. As Kayden gets older I am going to ensure he has 'quiet time'. The house can get loud and hectic, so to wind down a little bit and slow the day down that would work great.
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