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Banana Pudding Recipe

Tuesday 28 June 2016
Hey Guys!

Here we go again, with another amazing recipe from my boyfriend. He introduced banana pudding to me, and to be honest, at first I was a bit hesitant. I am not the biggest banana fan, but I decided to give it a try. He got this recipe from his mother, who is an amazing cook and baker. This is amazing, anyone who comes over and tries it falls in love with it. I guarantee that you cant have just one bite!


Nilla Wafers (vanilla)
2 packs of instant banana pudding
whip cream


On the stovetop cook banana pudding according to directions
All this recipe is, is assembling, which makes it so easy.

Get a large container, and place wafers at the bottom.
 Cut bananas thinly, and place on top of the wafers.
Take pudding and spread on top
Cover with whip cream
 Repeat at least once
 My boyfriend usually does 2 layers, and sprinkles crumbled wafers on top.

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