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What I ate Wednesday(06/01/2016)

Wednesday 1 June 2016
Hey guys!

Welcome to another what I ate Wednesday

I had my coffee this morning with cinnabon creamer. I wasn't planning on having breakfast but around 9am I was starving. I decided to make 2 fried eggs on 1 slice of villagio toast ( which I Forgot to take a picture of)

For my snack I had a fibre 1 bar, which I have been obsessed with lately. They are so yummy, and they don't taste healthy at all. I had the Lemon flavor.

I swear I have this every week, but I can't help it, my boyfriend is obsessed with homemade chinese food. I had leftover fried rice, and cajun french fries. I know this sounds like an odd combo, but I had a tiny amount of both. My boyfriend went to five guys lastnight, because I was at my parents' house, and he brought some home, and I have been dreaming about it.

 For my afternoon snack I had a banana. Kayden was throwing a hissy fit all afternoon, since he got no sleep last night. I thought he was hungry, and gave him a banana, but he didn't want it. Like every other mom, I ate it.
 For dinner we had my boyfriend's delicious shepherd's pie!

 I did a short workout today, so I wasn't to hungry. As usual I had green tea and 2 dates. 

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